Any business in any sector that has an Accounting Department going through internal change, we can help. Stay with your Accountant, but consider us solely for the transactional function and in-house accounting department
We have a proven heritage within the Accountancy sector in all positions. We are our own success story.
If a member of your team leaves, do not go through the trauma of the UK recruitment process and cost, think of us. We can immediately fill that position virtually saving you the cost and hassle. We would give you a dedicated team member, just like a remote worker based in the UK would operate. The world is a smaller place with technology.
Why not utilise us, our local knowledge, our footprint, our resources. Check out the Case Study on Accounting Services in Manufacturing to show how we helped them out.
We Supply.....
- The person
- Contract of employment
- Benefits
- Infrastructure
- Management of individual
- Resourcing support for annual leave / sickness
You Supply.....
- The training
- The work
Your Benefit.....
- Zero recruitment Agency fees
- Minimal down time
- Direct access to employee
- Zero NI
- Zero Pension
- Zero Holiday pay etc...
- Zero annual leave / sickness down time
- No lengthy contracts