Committed to Provide Support to the Accounting Industry During COVID19

Supporting Accounting Industry

December 25, 2020

The winter of 2020 has been predicted to be harsh. While vaccine trails are being pushed to their utmost, businesses remain closed or at least semi-operational, and workers live in fear of losing their jobs. Is there indeed a silver lining out there? Remote working and working from home seem to be the only solution for businesses if they want to retain some economic grip in these pandemic-ridden times. As employers struggle with lowering demand, unfortunately, they are faced with a tough decision to pay as per work done or by the hour as retention on previous wages is getting increasingly difficult for some even despite furlough. Employers find that they need to put their thinking caps on and not be distracted from their business due to other responsibilities.

Thus, the current market demand is for outsourcing to which accounting outsourcing has proven to be a much-needed safety net of support for the accounting industry during Covid-19. Firms like Doshi Outsourcing have not let the accounting standard down. Accounting formerly was considered to be more of an orthodox line where technology had not made such a stir. With the pandemic situation, working from home and remote working was suddenly given a thrust towards the light.

The advantages of working on the cloud:

  • Ease of access
  • Working on the go
  • Process your data or review it whenever you like
  • Safety and security of your files

Doshi Outsourcing has provided its clients with a flexible working approach. They work mostly on the software of their client’s choice but can also do remote working and cloud-based working. Thus, if you require, you can have a look, any time at the working and also get things done on an asap basis.

Accessibility – a requirement in these COVID-19 times:

Cloud accounting is not a new concept or something to be held with distrust. We all use some form of cloud accounting. Via the cloud, you can virtually have your accounting data as well as software at your fingertips since you need to use a web browser as all the details would be present online. Therefore, you are not constrained to one device.

How to get the most out of remote or cloud software:

As there is no need to install or look after updates, this is a time-saving feature. You will also have everything backed up. When you opt for outsourcing your accounting, all you need to do is share the access with your accountant, and that’s all. Thus, software compatibility, system space or having to email information over and take backups at least is no longer a constraint.

The current pandemic situation has signalled a change in the way we work and go about doing our work. Most work is now encouraged to be done online, and people are gradually beginning to see the benefits of being virtually present in contrast to being physically there. Doshi Outsourcing being a pioneer in innovation as far as the accountancy field goes, understood the importance and ease of cloud working well before the pandemic situation. With the HMRC allowing one to process claims online and increasingly insisting on online work in contrast to old-fashioned paperwork; it is clear that Doshi Outsourcing is indeed working in the right direction. The accounting industry has served like almost all industries during the pandemic period to explore new avenues of sustenance from which accounting outsourcing proves to be win-win for both the accounting provider as well as the accountancy firm.