Articles / News

The time has come! Accountex London 2024 is back in the town on 15-16 May in ExCel London. This time they have a huge number of fintech companies who can share their knowledge and expertise in the finance and accounting sector.

We a...

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May 04, 2024

Managing accounts payable is a complex and time-consuming task that requires businesses to be extremely active and systematic. To ensure accuracy and avoid crimes, businesses must use a system of checks and balances to keep track of all activities...

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November 30, 2023

Everyone is talking about the Instagram Threads app, launched by Meta, the parent company of Facebook. Let’s look at how this new Threads app is helpful for accountants and accounting firm owners.

Instagram Threads can be a valuabl...

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July 29, 2023

Doshi Outsourcing, a leading provider of accounting outsourcing services, is excited to announce its participation in the upcoming Accountex 2023 event, scheduled t...

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April 25, 2023

It is mandatory for companies to send their Company Tax Returns online using iXBRL for accounts and computations. Therefore, business owners must ensure that a seamless Accounts and Tax Production Process is in place. After it has become compulsor...

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September 14, 2022

What is virtual accounting?

Virtual accounting is working remotely from home or a convenient location rather than from an office, and it is beneficial for the company as they seek professional services from expert...

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July 13, 2021

Saving money on taxes is always a top priority for small and medium-size enterprise owners. After all, who doesn’t want to become a wealthy entrepreneur? And always remember that without knowing what you can and can’t do it is difficul...

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February 08, 2021

It is always a good idea to invest in property and also the idea of owning a second home is tempting. However, we need to keep one thing in mind that Real estate is riskier than most people realizeand it&rs...

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January 18, 2021

What is the Director’s Loan Account?

We have heard about the director’s loan account and some of us also keep some knowledge related to it. However, in this article, we will learn in detail about the facts wh...

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January 04, 2021

The Cashless Or Contactless Payments:

There is a famous proverb in English that time will not wait for us, we have to move with time. We have to analyse and see the direction of the wind, to flow with it...

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December 28, 2020

The winter of 2020 has been predicted to be harsh. While vaccine trails are being pushed to their utmost, businesses remain closed or at least semi-operational, and workers live in fear of losing their jobs. Is there indeed a silver lining out the...

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December 25, 2020

Risk is a part of the business but in the current pandemic situation, the scales have tipped even higher even as the capital in the market has fallen lower. This has become a time of not recruiting new people to do new tasks (all thanks to the fal...

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December 09, 2020

In any situation, people try to find some advantage and use it in their favour. The same applies to frauds. Some people are trying to use Covid-19 to lure people into a trap. While the government plans different schemes to help people, it is neces...

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December 07, 2020

Managing cash flow is integral to the smooth running of any business. To purchase supplies on time and keep the list of creditors at a low, have a steady flow of cash is required. Having sufficient money coming in as compared to your expenditure w...

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November 13, 2020

Employers across the UK were appalled with the news of the further lockdowns proposed. Though the government has been praised for putting people’s health before mere economic gain the interesting element here is that the government has also ...

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November 06, 2020

From lowering the rates of VAT in certain sectors to nullify stamp duty it wasn’t much of a surprise when rent concessions also have been factored in to consider the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Being a difficult time, the government has underst...

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November 04, 2020

The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) provides financial support to small and mid-sized businesses affected by COVID-19. It is a British government-backed scheme to help viable SMEs that are losing revenue and experiencing cash...

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October 28, 2020

Nowadays, many small and mid-sized businesses are hiring virtual employees that help them to run their office set-up more cost-effectively. While some virtual employees perform routine and specific tasks, others have the experienc...

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October 26, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected not only how we view the workplace but also, how the government perceives sickness and the period of incapacity to work. Employers, as well as employees, have felt the strain of working amidst the pandemic as the...

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September 28, 2020

The announcement of the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme by the Chancellor Rishi Sunak brought a big sigh of relief among the Self-employed workers, who have suffered adversely due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

How does this scheme ...

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August 27, 2020