Articles / News

For every business, whether it is a start-up, SME or a Chartered Accountant firm, bookkeeping and accounting are very essential functions. If your books of accounts and financial documents are accurate, they help you in making quick decisions for ...

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November 11, 2020

Conveyancing is the process of transferring the legal title of a property from one party to the other party. There are two stages: the first stage is the exchange of the contracts, the point at which the terms of the deal set. And the second stage...

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November 09, 2020

Employers across the UK were appalled with the news of the further lockdowns proposed. Though the government has been praised for putting people’s health before mere economic gain the interesting element here is that the government has also ...

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November 06, 2020

From lowering the rates of VAT in certain sectors to nullify stamp duty it wasn’t much of a surprise when rent concessions also have been factored in to consider the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Being a difficult time, the government has underst...

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November 04, 2020

While preparing a dish, we always make sure that all required ingredients are put into it to make it delicious and taste worthy. In the same way, if a business has to prosper in the market, it is required that accounting information should be give...

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November 02, 2020

Furlough after its four-month extension is finally ending in October 2020 leaving both employers as well as employees in a dilemma. So, now what are employers to do with businesses facing an all-time low and the economy at best, only shakily getti...

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October 30, 2020

The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) provides financial support to small and mid-sized businesses affected by COVID-19. It is a British government-backed scheme to help viable SMEs that are losing revenue and experiencing cash...

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October 28, 2020

Nowadays, many small and mid-sized businesses are hiring virtual employees that help them to run their office set-up more cost-effectively. While some virtual employees perform routine and specific tasks, others have the experienc...

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October 26, 2020

The UK government has had to face the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic at multiple levels. From furlough to bounce back loans to stamp duties "holiday" and VAT cuts to the hospitality sector, things have been changing for the best.


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October 24, 2020

Accountants are like regular people. They too at one point of time might feel the itch to leave hitting them. However, when your accountant does choose to leave it should not be more than a minor inconvenience to you. Granted that getting a new pe...

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October 21, 2020