Articles / News

Financial accounting means recording all the transactions of business operations for a particular period. The data accurately reported and regularly updated can help in several other decisions and track their operations. Financial accounting ...

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September 25, 2020

It is commonly observed in any business that there are many functions which are costly and resource-draining for a business and thus there is an urgent need to outsource accounting services. We are a provider of outsourced accounting service that ...

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September 23, 2020

It takes time, effort, finances and dedication to start and manage a small business. During the nascent stage, it is easy to manage by yourself various functions such as accounts, payroll, tax, etc. But as the business expands and you concentrate ...

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September 21, 2020

According to Atradius insolvencies to rise by over a quarter this year in UK.  The UK has suffered quite considerably due to the coronavirus pandemic. It has been found that as far as the contraction of GDP goes in Northern Europe, the United...

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September 19, 2020

That time of the year might be just a few months away but it always does come eventually, yes, you got it right; the year-end accounting date! The ‘year-end’ of a company is the date that the accounting period of that particular compan...

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September 16, 2020

The demand for outsourced accounting is going to be higher than ever in the Covid-19 Pandemic. While many businesses are struggling to sustain themselves, accounting is no exception and ...

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September 15, 2020

Outsourcing and its importance:

If a business wants to grow in the market, they should come out with a strong strategy and proper execution of planned strategy. Outsourcing services is an efficient and accurate way of ...

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September 09, 2020

Accurate books of accounts are not optional for successful businesses and hiring full-time accounting staff to manage the company’s books can be costly. Every business requires the financial data prepared by accountants and...

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September 07, 2020

A report prepared annually by the limited companies to show the breakdown and financial actions taken by them for the same year is called a Statutory Account.

A statutory account does not include every detail, such as unique invoices or ...

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September 05, 2020

What is Making Tax Digital (MTD)?

With effect from 1st April 2019, VAT registered businesses whose taxable turnover is above the VAT registration threshold (presently £ 85000 per annum) must keep...

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September 04, 2020