Articles / News

The current pandemic situation has changed the way we work considerably. With the sales of Zoom skyrocketing a new era has been beckoned into being. This era is more about the digital and about keeping in touch albeit at a distance. As social dist...

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January 20, 2021

It is always a good idea to invest in property and also the idea of owning a second home is tempting. However, we need to keep one thing in mind that Real estate is riskier than most people realizeand it&rs...

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January 18, 2021

The transition period is over and now from this month, we need to follow the new rules for VAT. While most VAT rules and procedures remain the same as before there are a few changes one must know if they are trading with the EU and abroad.


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January 13, 2021

Since the inception of the outsourcing concept among businesses around the world, India has been one of the major players when it comes to providing skilled professionals. With the boom in IT sectors in India, things have changed very rapidly. Now...

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January 13, 2021

Payroll may not be as simple to run as baking a cake but it would be hardly right to call it an impossible achievement. After all, there are still many business owners who prefer processing their firm’s payroll itself. That being said, one must ...

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January 12, 2021

About Sole Trader:

A person who runs their own business and owns it as an individual is known as a sole trader. The business is run by one individual and an important point to get noted is that there is no legal distinct...

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January 08, 2021

For a company to be stable & financially sound, it needs to grow and be profitable, irrespective of it being a small company or large multinational. Having a team of skilled accountants improves the business processes, which is an important fu...

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January 06, 2021

What is the Director’s Loan Account?

We have heard about the director’s loan account and some of us also keep some knowledge related to it. However, in this article, we will learn in detail about the facts wh...

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January 04, 2021

With the current economic stress that business owners are facing taking out time for business and expanding on the same is what is really of prime importance. For any company, there are a lot of legalities and compliances that need to be met, and ...

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January 02, 2021

Many businesses outsource central jobs that are not within the staff’s core competencies, and accounting is no exclusion! Virtual accounting is a new trend that allows experienced accountants to offer their services remotely. Businesses acro...

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December 30, 2020