Articles / News

It is mandatory for companies to send their Company Tax Returns online using iXBRL for accounts and computations. Therefore, business owners must ensure that a seamless Accounts and Tax Production Process is in place. After it has become compulsor...

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September 14, 2022

Payroll is an integral part of any business owner’s list of things to do regularly. It especially poses a problem when having a weekly or fortnightly payroll frequency. However, even monthly can be taxing enough. After all, payroll isn&rsquo...

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March 03, 2022

The tax filing deadline is around the corner, and with the holiday spirit in the air and an endless pile of tasks still in the to-do, getting all those tax returns filed on time can seem to be an almost impossible task. Thus, sometimes outsourcing...

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January 28, 2022

Outsourcing has reached new frontiers, thanks to technology making the communication and data storage and transfer process even trouble-free. Tax returns are time-consuming, and with the deadline coming up, things get to be even more hectic due to...

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December 24, 2021

Why Does Account Reconciliation Matter and How it Prevents Costly Mistakes?

Accounting is a detailed and meticulous portrayal of a company’s finances. However, for it to be fool proof, one needs to employ reconcili...

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December 10, 2021

The Essential Bookkeeping Tips That All Self-Employed Professionals Should Know

Running one’s own business is a learning experience as you need to look after every aspect as it might later hit you when least expect...

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November 18, 2021

Real estate accounting is a complex task as some more regulations and transactions have to be kept a tab on. It takes a toll, especially on the bookkeeping front, which is why proper organisation becomes a vital and key factor in the management of...

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October 19, 2021

When furlough was introduced in March 2020, no one had predicted that a scheme that was initially set to last for 3 months would continue for a year and more with three extensions. The most recent extension to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme ...

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October 07, 2021

Outsourcing has spread to several avenues. Virtual employees are getting to be the norm as recruitment has been correctly marked to be a costly option. The change was gradual with the accounting industry only, really beginning to accept this chang...

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September 29, 2021

What do You Need to Know Before Outsourcing for UK Accountants?

Outsourcing as a practice has gained considerable momentum due to the pandemic. While companies struggle to survive in the market, they find themselves eith...

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September 14, 2021