Articles / News
What is virtual accounting?
Virtual accounting is working remotely from home or a convenient location rather than from an office, and it is beneficial for the comp...
July 13, 2021
2020-21 will long be remembered to be a year that has changed a lot of perceptions. For instance, health and it's being a true wealth have been enforced. The accounting world itself received a ...
June 25, 2021
Accounting is an integral part of a business and something that cannot be ignored no matter what the circumstances of the business. 2020-21 have been difficult years for most businesses. Due to thi...
June 02, 2021
After covid-19 situation, there were notable transformations in the field of accountancy and the dynamics of client-accountant relationships. Traditional face-to-face meetings have evolved, with te...
May 17, 2021
2021 is still a year of great uncertainty as businesses struggle to find some even footing in these pandemic prevalent times. It may seem surprising then, in times when a penny saved is considered ...
April 29, 2021
Legal matters are hard to navigate for the layman due to the heavy use of industry-based jargon. Thus, instead of taking an unnecessary risk, it is better to appoint an expert to look at things. Do...
February 23, 2021
Accounting has diversified over the years. From a pencil, ruler, pen system that depended highly on manually keeping the books – things have now changed considerably. The year 2020 has geared...
February 20, 2021
Coronavirus pandemic affected businesses across the world and the insurance industry is no exception. For insurers claim requests concerning coronavirus treatments and testing under the various hea...
February 17, 2021
Recruitment is never an easy task. It is a long-drawn-out process, to say the least, in which even after you end up hiring your prospective employee, you still need to invest time in training that ...
February 12, 2021
Accounting companies have to face numerous challenges daily to provide services smoothly to their clients, out of all the accounting procedures, payroll processing is hig...
February 10, 2021